tarot consoulting

When people consult me, it’s not that I’m reading the future; I am guessing at the future… How do I guess at the future? Based on the omens of the present. The SECRET is HERE in the PRESENT. If you PAY ATTENTION to the present, you can improve upon it. And, if you IMPROVE on the PRESENT, what comes later will also be BETTER.

~Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

In Tarot Consoulting, we are not Tarot reading.

We are not reading the cards as if they were predestined, fixed, and static plot-lines printed in the pages of a book.

Even with cliff-hangers, reading implies finality and is more passive. There is a prescribed set of characters, settings, and events that comes to a full stop. A the end.

We are not these all-knowing, fortune cookies of great and powerful wizards of cards, though.

Instead, we are translators.

When you consoult us, we consoult the cards. When we consoult the cards, we are accessing an ancient archive of archetypes, symbols, and tropes that are deeply embedded within the greater experience of our souls’ collective consciousness.

We translate this language.

Translating implies choice and is more active. There is a reference point of themes, patterns, and stories that lead to new possibilities. A once upon a time.

We are guides, interpreting the messages of the cards so that you can foster a more intimate connection between you and your own self, your authentic self. This enables you to make the most empowered choices possible.

An abstracted, minimalist line drawing featuring abstract swirls and curves, forming the lines of a fingerprint on the top and bottom with the shape of Tarot cards and a swirl suggesting the Sun card in the center.

my approach

A minimalist line drawing featuring abstract swirls and curves, forming the shape of lips and spirals above and below, set against a white background.

Now that you know my philosophy of the Tarot, what does this actually mean? How do I translate the cards? How do I “pay attention to the present”?

Do I have a trusty English to Tarot dictionary ready to pull out of my holster as the cards fall, or maybe I am drag and dropping the cards into Google Translate and just biding my time as I wait for the results to populate?

As neat as that may sound, that is not how it works. At least, not for me.

I approach the Tarot from personal experience and apply methods, techniques, and strategies from my work and study in the visual and performing arts.

When I consoult the cards, I am combining a mix of art critique and formal analysis, storytelling and storyboarding, and, most importantly, holding space to actively listen to and understand the given circumstances you have shared about yourself and your situation.

I am looking at the elements of art and principles of design that have created the illustrations of characters, settings, plots, and themes, and then translate them, interpreting them, through the lens of my intuition, troubleshooting how, where, and why they apply to you, where you are, where you were, and where you may be.

This is not necessarily a linear process and is highly collaborative and very much what you put in is what you get out.

If you are interested in learning more about what I do or how I approach the Tarot, schedule a session with me below, or send me a message and let’s chat!

what to expect

Enter virtual waiting room for
Enter waiting room
brainstorming (before session)

Select a suitable time slot and complete our intake form as best as you are able and willing. The clearer, more detailed, and focused you are, the clearer, more detailed, and focused our time together will be. That said, please honor yourself and only share what you are comfortable sharing.

Once you’ve submitted your intake, you will receive a confirmation email containing your session information and a link to my virtual waiting room on doxy.me. Don’t worry if you have never used doxy.me before – there are no downloads or account creations.

Two people are sitting closely, engaged in a Tarot session. One person, Andoncé, with medium length hair is in patterned clothing, interpreting a Tarot card. The other, with straight black hair, looks on attentively. A wooden floor and part of a door are visible in the background.
soulpting (during session)

On the day of your session, you will receive a reminder email one hour in advanced. Find a comfortable and quiet space where you won’t be disturbed, and feel free to bring along some favorite snacks or a cozy cup of tea. Think of our time together as reconnecting with an old friend.

We’ll begin by reviewing your intake and checking-in with how you are feeling.

Next, we’ll guide you through a meditation to set our intentions, ground and center ourselves, and prepare for the work ahead. If you have chosen an add-on soulution, we will also tap into and commune with these additional energetic frequencies.

Once we are present and centered, we will pull cards and hold space to translate their messages together.

This is an interactive process, and we encourage you to actively engage with the cards and, hence, your deeper, inner self.

A lit candle enclosed in a glass cylinder with an image of The Chariot Tarot card and an open, yellow notebook with writing on wooden floor, suggesting a cozy, peaceful, and inviting environment for creativity and contemplation.
refining (after session)

Throughout our session, we will recommend personalized homework: activities and exercises to help you integrate insights and take-aways into your everyday life, once the session has ended.

We will also send you images of the cards and spreads from your session, so that you can refer back to them and continue tapping into their messages and energies.

While we won’t be able to pull more cards without another session, we’re here to support you as you work through your homework. Please reach out with any questions or concerns, and we’ll provide guidance as best as we are able.

Please remember the importance of self-care. What comes up during a session and in doing the homework may be messy, uncomfortable, and even scary, at times. Honor where you are and respect what you can handle at this moment. Take the time you need to process, accept, practice, and align with what you have learned.

schedule session